Celtic Cross Stitch

Celtic Cross Stitch

Inspiration Series: Celtic Cross Stitch Use what talent you possess, the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. henry van dyke I love the Henry Van Dyke quote in the margin to the left. I think it is especially relevant to...

Cultural Costumes

Inspiration Series: Cultural Costumes For years, she patiently waited for me to bring her to life! These adorable girls in their traditional country attire had been in my fabric stash for years. Occasionally, I would stumble upon them while looking for something else...
Citrus Garden

Citrus Garden

Inspiration Series: Citrus Garden The vendor and I at the Textile Market. It was a profitable day for her when I showed up! My travels through Ecuador led me to their famed Textile Market in Otavalo. There, I stumbled upon a vendor selling beautiful embroidered...