Women’s resistance to Chile’s Pinochet dictatorship through textile art.
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Arpilleras Resource Library
Here, you will find curated information for everything presented in my Arpilleras presentation, and more. Learn more about the people, places, and events mentioned in more depth and on your own. Opportunities for further exploration are here via links to videos, articles, and other resources.
This page will resonate most with you if you have attended my lecture and/or workshop. Please, contact me below to book me for your group or guild, or to find out when I present virtually. Visit this page regularly for updates, including additional resources for further study, workshop and lecture events given by me, interviews, and more.

Virtual Lecture & Workshop
Offered Once or Twice a Year
If your guild or group isn’t able to schedule an in-person or virtual workshop with me, I offer it virtually a couple of times a year. Enjoy learning even more about arpilleras through the act of creating your own.
Be sure you are on my email list to find out about future scheduled lectures and workshops on my virtual platform.
Here Karen Brown, of Just Get It Done Quilts, interviews Jaqueline Adams. Jaqueline did extensive research on arpilleras while working on her PhD. Her books are listed in the Recommended Reading section below.
Enjoy watching this interview from the perspective of a quilter.
Victor Jara
Chilean folk singer, detained, tortured, and executed in the national stadium days after the coup. His last days as told by his widow, Joan Jara. Includes his last poem written in detention.

Violeta Parra
Chilean singer, artist considered the “Mother of Latin American Folk.” A wonderful article featuring her arpilleras. She is credited as being the first Latin American artist featured in the Louvre in the 60’s.

Salvador Allende’s Farewell Speech
A YouTube Video with English Subtitles
Spoken on radio waves as the capitol building was being attacked the morning of the coup, just before his death by suicide before the military could get to him.

Rent/Buy on Amazon Prime
Based on the true story of the advertising campaign which helped vote Pinochet out of office. (Spanish with English subtitles.)
A YouTube Video
They Dance Alone (La Cueca Sola)
This song was written and performed at the Human Rights Now! Amnesty International 1988 tour.
Recommended Reading
I have used all of these books in my research. I can recommend all of them for deeper exploration of the Chilean dictatorshiop and/or arpilleras and their makers’ influence on the Chilean resistance.
*Some links are affiliate. I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. It’s how I fund my website.
Surviving Dictatorship
Jaqueline Adams
Textbook. This is a dense, academic read if you’re up to it!
Santiago's Children
Steve Reifenberg & Paul Farmer
Memoir weaving the story of the orphanage with the politics of the time.
Art Against Dictatorship
Jaqueline Adams
Another dense read, but packed full of her interviews with women of different arpilleras groups.
Isabel Allende
Beautiful work of fiction weaving politics with a love story and brief mention of arpilleras.
Tapestries of Hope Threads of Love
Marjorie Agosin
For students and general readers.
Stitching Resistance: Women, Creativity, & Fiber Arts
Marjorie Agosín
Features women worldwide using fiber arts as social justice.
Stitching Truth
Dan Eshet
Lighter read with questions for discussion and reflection.
Flight from Chile
Thomas Wright & Rody Oñate
Stories as told by exiled Chileans.
Trip to Chile
In the next few years, I plan to offer a trip to Chile for quilters interested in experiencing arpilleras for themselves. This trip would include guided tours of the amazing Human Rights Museum in Santiago, Pablo Neruda’s impressive homes in Santiago and Isla Negra, and the somber National Stadium. Crafting our own arpillera under the guidance of Chilean women who are continuing the craft would be a part of this adventure. Also included would be shopping in local markets, a vineyard visit, exposure to indigenous cultures, exploring nature, and more fun.
I invite you to join the group of quilters interested in this trip by providing your email address through the link below. This will allow me to periodically update you on plans, as well as gather input from you as I prepare this amazing trip.