Let’s face it; quilting is an expensive craft. When times get tight with rising gas and grocery prices, it can make us think twice before starting that next quilt project. Here are some ways to keep sewing and quilting through inflation without breaking the bank.

1. Piece Batting

Piecing batting not only saves money, it cuts down on textile waste – something I am really passionate about. It’s very simple to do. (You can check out my reel on it here.) Just place two edges next to each other, then use a wide zig-zag stitch (like 4-5mm) in a matching thread to sew them together. The result is seamless and completely imperceptible once quilted into the quilt. So start saving those side and bottom edges you cut off from basting other quilts. I recommend storing the leftover pieces in the plastic bag it came in, or a zip up plastic bag like what sheets come in. ALWAYS save the package description so you know what kind of batting it is. You don’t want to mix battings.

2. Finish a work in Progress (WIP)

We all have them. Those projects we got bored with, or sidetracked, or frustrated with and just put away to have a break. Now they’ve been lying around for years. Sort through your WIPs and see if you can reinspire yourself to finish one or a few.

3. Quilt Your Own Quilt

If you normally send your quilt tops off to a longarmer, there is no time like the present to learn to quilt your own quilt. If you’ve never done it before, make some small, practice quilt sandwiches with larger scraps of fabric. Orphan blocks are also great for this! Take a deep breath and just go for it! There are excellent FREE online resources for learning to quilt by hand, with a walking foot, or free motion style. Take it from me, the only way to learn to quilt is to quilt. ????Am I right?

4. Use up Scraps

Go through your scrap pile and whip up some mini quilt blocks. Here is one 3″ block I made with leftover scraps from my Amarillo Garden quilt. Here, I’ve provided the FPP pattern for free! You can print it off and make some of your own, then sew into a mini quilt wall hanging. You could also keep them separate and make little coasters out of them.

5. Dig through Your Closet or Go Thrifting

Have you ever made a quilt from button down shirts? You can always find fun plaid and floral shirts in thrift stores just waiting to be repurposed into a quilt. Heck, you might find some in your own closet or drawers, even better! Either way, you are preventing textile waste AND repurposing something you no longer wear.

6. Go YouTubing!????

That’s right, surf YouTube for some new and creative ways to quilt. If you don’t have money to spend, this can be a great way to study up and learn new skills until the economy stabilizes. You will be motivating and preparing yourself for when you can quilt again, while making great use of your time.

7. Make a T-Shirt Quilt????

When there is no money to spend on fun, new fabrics, make use of the “fabric” in your drawers and learn to make a t-shirt quilt. There is no shortage of people who will make them for you, but how about learning to make one on your own?